PRINCESS DIVISIONS (National level only)
Pure Jr. Princess, ages 0-2 years
Princess, ages 3 & 4
Click HERE to learn more about our Princess Program
Little Miss, ages 5 & 6
Junior Miss, ages 7 - 9
Pre-Teen, ages10 - 12
Junior Teen, ages 13 - 15
Teen, ages 16 - 18
Miss, ages 19- 24*
Ms., ages 25 - 34*
Elegant Ms., ages *35 - 44
Elite Ms., *45 - 54
Classy Ms., *55 - 64
Legacy Ms., 65+ (NEW!)
*Single, Married, Divorced, Widowed
Age divisions are determined by what age a finalist will be on January 1, 2024.
Age divisions are selected by age only. Marital or maternity status does not apply to the adult divisions.
There is a fall back or moving forward for those with birthdates of up to 15 days from January 1 for contestants to choose the division that suits them best.